On this day we reaffirm our resolve to stand by our brothers and sisters in their valiant struggle for their just cause. The peaceful people of Jammu and Kashmir continue to suffer. Not only the right to self-determination is being denied to them but they are also being subjected to the worst kind of human rights abuses violence and suppression.
Thousands of Kashmiris have lost their lives and thousands more are languishing in Indian jails. However, atrocities and humiliations have not deterred them from a cause cased on their legitimate aspiration of their right of self determination as enshrined in the UN Charter and UNSC Resolutions. A just and peaceful resolution of the Jammu and Kashmir dispute in accordance with the aspirations of the people of Jammu and Kashmir is a sine qua non for lasting peace is South Asia.
Pakistan is committed to the resolution of all outstanding disputes with India including Jammu and Kashmir, through dialogue. We invite India to engage in a comprehensive sustained and result-oriented dialogue process. We also urge the international community to play its due role in securing for Kashmiris their right to self-determination.